Medical practitioners appreciated for heroic efforts in Mahdia Fire response

Medical practitioners were honoured for their exemplary service and dedication in the wake of the Mahdia Secondary School dormitory fire tragedy, which claimed the lives of 20 youths in May last year.

During the appreciation ceremony, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony commended the tireless efforts and unwavering commitment of the healthcare workers during the crisis.

Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony delivering the feature address at the appreciation ceremony for healthcare workers who participated in the Mahdia fire response

“Everybody gave selflessly so tonight what we want to do is acknowledge that. We want to acknowledge by giving you a little token, it’s not much but it’s a little token to say that we value what you did, we value all that you put in. It is a token that the ministry, the Government of Guyana really value your work,” Minister Anthony stated Friday evening.

Further reflecting on the response during the tragedy, Minister Anthony noted the multifaceted approach undertaken to address the immediate and long-term needs of those affected.

This included the provision of psychological and psychiatric care, as well as grievance counselling for the affected communities.

Tokens presented to medical practitioners for their dedication and remarkable contribution during the Mahdia fire tragedy

Additionally, the minister noted that a thorough report into the cause of the fire as well as the effectiveness and response of the emergency teams was conducted for the Commission of Inquiry (COI).

“I think we came up with a written report of more than 50 pages of how we responded, and that in itself is a testimony to how we responded,” he explained.

In addition to these services, telemedicine was implemented at four sites to ensure prompt and effective communication and support for those in need.

Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Health, Robbie Rambarran presenting at the appreciation ceremony

Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Health, Robbie Rambarran, also commended the extraordinary compassion and empathy demonstrated by healthcare workers, who stood at the forefront to one of the most tragic events in recent history.

Meanwhile, the government’s support to the affected families and friends of the young lives was reaffirmed.