Ministerial team meets Cuban Ambassador
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Honourable Hugh Hilton Todd, MP convened a meeting on December 7, 2020, with His Excellency Narciso Reinaldo Armador Socorro, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to discuss the pressing issue of a number of Cuban nationals currently camping at South Drain, Suriname desirous of transiting Guyana to get to the United States of America to seek asylum there. Minister Todd was accompanied by Honourable Gail Teixeira, MP, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Honourable Anil Nandlall, MP, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs and Honourable Robeson Benn, MP, Minister of Home Affairs.

TAGS Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Guyana H.E Narciso Reinaldo ArmadorCubaMinister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Hon. Hugh Hilton ToddSurinameUnited States of America (USA)