Mocha Arcadia residents benefit from ICT training

-participants commend initiative

Thirteen residents of Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara, are now equipped with basic knowledge in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) following a four-week computer course held at the community centre.

Public Service Minister, Sonia Parag during her speech at the ICT closing ceremony in Mocha.

The programme, which was facilitated by the Public Service Ministry, received high praise from participants.

Shaida Murray said, the experience was excellent and I learn a lot more than when I did my first course in 2014 and it was good. And I want to thank all my trainers. I must say I enjoy it and I hope that we have more experience than that.”

Minister Parag handing over a certificate to one of the participants.

Winnona Ramsay said she appreciated the programme and will continue to practice what she has learnt.

 “We had the five best teachers. If you don’t understand, they took their time too, they’ll come individually to ask you guys if you understand. If you don’t, they’ll take their time and say those who understand- the ones that don’t know, they’ll take their time to go through it slowly and everything,” she explained.

Minister Parag and the graduating batch.

Tichavyah Flue expressed, “We need to have a sense of pride and a sense of integrity when we move. And this is why this training is here. Because when you’re finished, you can say ‘I did it, I did it, I have moved a step closer to becoming qualified to getting a job, to earning an income.”

Public Service Minister, Sonia Parag in her address at the closing ceremony Thursday, congratulated the graduating batch for completing the programme. 

Participant, Winnona Ramsay

She said she was proud that participants remained dedicated and committed to the conclusion of the programme.

“Let me congratulate you because from the inception I came into Mocha, and I wanted to fill gaps. There is a gap in development, academic development, educational development, and many other developments. And I thought that it would be best to start with our most valued asset, our people,” the minister said.

Minister Parag encouraged participants to invest in themselves, which will enable development within their community.

The ICT closing ceremony in Mocha.

“And also, we need to have a sense of pride and a sense of integrity when we move. And this is why this training is here. Because when you’re finished, you can say ‘I did it. I did it, I have moved a step closer to becoming qualified to get a job, to earn an income,”she emphasised.

Minister Parag noted that the government will assist the participants to secure employment in the public and private sectors.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Mocha Neighbourhood Democratic Council, Rudolph Adams extended gratitude to the government for its ‘valuable gesture’ and its partnership.

He said the initiative will enhance development within the community. He also implored participants to put their community first.

The ICT training programme is being conducted countrywide and hundreds of youths from various regions have already benefitted. 

Ten persons have already signed up to commence the second batch of ICT training.

The government has expended $1.5 billion out of the $3.3 billion budgeted in the first half of 2022 in the ICT sector. This is to ensure the effective use of ICT services and the expansion of ICT accessibility and functionality across the nation.