Non-adherence to COVID-19 measures could result in prosecution – Health Minister
Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, MP, is reminding members of the public that they could face prosecution if they are caught breaching any of the COVID-19 protective measures.
During his COVID-19 update on Tuesday, Dr. Anthony said persons who should be in home isolation after testing positive for the Coronavirus, but are still out in public could be charged.
“For you to come out of home isolation, you need to be cleared by one of the doctors in your region. So generally, once you’ve tested positive, we wait for about 10 days, after those 10 days, once you don’t have signs or symptoms over the last two, then you can be discharged. Some people observe it in a very strict manner, others don’t do that,” Minister Anthony said.

He said with such non- adherence to the COVID guidelines, cases will continue to increase in the country.
“If they’re not observing it [home isolating], then we can easily have more spreads. If people are irresponsible, and don’t abide by the rules, then we’ll have an increase in spread.
“Under the orders, we have specified that if you are not obeying these rules, then you can be prosecuted.” Dr. Anthony noted.
Section 16 of the Official Gazette published on September 4, states that any person who tests positive for Coronavirus and is identified for quarantine shall; (a) comply with all applicable directions given and requirements imposed by the Health Emergency Operations Centre, including home isolation or quarantine or placement in an isolation or quarantine facility; and (C) not knowingly expose themselves, without proper or necessary precautions against spreading the Coronavirus in any public place or to any person.
Statistics on Monday evening showed that 3,505 people across the country were in home isolation, while another 160 were in institutional isolation. Minister Anthony said institutional isolation is being offered in every region for persons who are unable to isolate at their homes. Meanwhile, the record late Tuesday afternoon showed that 348,534 or 67.9 per cent of the adult population have received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, while, 179,965 or 35.1 per cent of the adult population are fully immunised. Another 20,896 persons or 28.7 per cent of the country’s adolescent population have received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.