Old age pensioners can cash vouchers at money transfer agents countrywide
In an effort to ease the hassle and long lines for senior citizens to uplift their monthly pension, the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security (MoHSSS) has introduced another option-pensioners can now redeem their vouchers at any MoneyGram/Surepay and BillExpress locations countrywide.
It is apt to note that pensioners are required to walk with their booklets and some form of Identification (ID) to complete the transaction.
The availability of this option is a promised fulfilled by Hon Vindhya Persaud to improve the service delivery for the elderly.
Apart, from encashing vouchers at the money transfer agents, pensioners can access the service through their respective banking institutions or post offices.
TAGS BillExpressHon Vindhya PersaudMinistry of Human Services and Social Security (MoHSSS)MoneyGram/Surepaysenior citizens