Over $13M distributed in ‘Because We Care’ grants at Wismar Hill

Parents and guardians of students attending the Wismar Hill Primary and Nursery Schools turned out in their numbers, on Friday to receive the Government’s ‘Because We Care’ and School Uniform and Supplies cash grants in Linden, Region 10.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton MP

Over $13 million was distributed to approximately 684 students.

Speaking with DPI, Collis Jarvis and a few other parents expressed their appreciation to the Government, for the timely initiative.

Parent, Collis Jarvis

“First of all, I must say I’m out of a job right now because my foot ain’t too good you understand, $19,000 ain’t bad you know and as a taxpayer I appreciate this grant, you know, it save me a lot so that ah could go now and do something fuh de kids and I must say thanks,” Jarvis said.

Parent, Wonda Samuels

Another parent, Wonda Samuels said “it benefit me a great lot because I’m a single parent and I’m not working at the moment and I’m very thankful for this.”

Similar sentiments were expressed by Carleena Edwards, who noted that “this will benefit me Textbook wise cause the last voucher was shared I purchased school close. Book wise and Tablet So, I’m grateful for it.” 

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton MP who overlooked the distribution of the grants at the Wismar Hill Primary, assured the parents and guardians that the Government is people oriented.

Minister of Labour, Joseph Hamilton MP addressing the parents

“Never feel that the Government is doing some special favor you, we have a responsibility to you. Importantly in large measure the money you will collect today belongs to you anyhow. Because as a worker you pay taxes.”

Minister Hamilton also urged the parents to ensure they use the monies for the development of their children.

“We will hope that you will see the wider picture how it contributes to your community, how it contributes to your region, you ensure it contributes to [your] children’s welfare.”

Meanwhile, the Minister highlighted the importance of persons getting vaccinated against COVID-19. 

Distribution of the ‘Because We Care’ cash grant continues in Region 10 on Monday, July 26.