Over $198M in sea defence works set for Regions Three, Four, Five, six
The government’s sea defence programme is seeing a robust and proactive approach to ensure that coastal and riverain residents and farmers are protected from the threats of climate change.
The approach sees consistent construction, rehabilitation and maintenance works on sea and river defence structures across the country.

Budget 2023 allocates a sum of $4.9 billion for the protection and preservation of sea and river defences, to continue these efforts.
As such, the government through the Ministry of Public Works is inviting sealed bids for the maintenance of sea and river structures within Regions Three, Four, Five and Six. The works are divided into 16 lots, totalling an estimated $198.2 million.
Bids will be opened at the ministry’s Ministerial Tender Board office, Wight’s Lane on Thursday, July 20, 2023.
An estimated $13.8 million is expected to fund boulder face protection works to the river defence structure at Bendorff, Wakenaam Island, in Region Three.
Works are also slated for Good Success and Palmyra in Wakenaam, and Kingston and Richmond Hill in Leguan. These consist of the incorporation of timber revetment along the earthen embankments, at a combined estimated cost of $54.6 million.
Meanwhile, $13.75 million is expected to account for the incorporation of gabion mattress rock slope along the earthen embankment at Thierens, Leguan Island. The earthen embankment along Queta Bena Island is also slated for maintenance and is estimated to cost $9.15 million.
Further, the incorporation of timber revetment along the earthen embankment at Patentia Sluice, and at the Catherina Sluice, on the West Bank of Demerara are pegged at $27.8 million.
For Region Four, maintenance works to earthen embankments along Providence to Great Diamond, Great Diamond to Craig, and Craig to Friendship, on the East Bank of Demerara, are estimated to cost some $28.5 million.
An estimated $36.75 million is set to fund maintenance works along the earthen embankment between No.28 Village and Hope, between Hope and No. 7 Village, and between No. 7 and D’Edward Villages, along the West Coast of Berbice, Region Five.
Additionally, maintenance of earthen embankment and incorporation of timber revetment along Korthberaat Outfall, East Bank Berbice, Region Six are expected to cost $13.85 million.