Over $2B for Tuschen, Zeelugt road works

Tuschen and Zeelugt residents will now benefit from access to improved community roads, with the awarding of 28 road contracts on Saturday.

Minister within the Public Works Ministry, Deodat Indar, engaged contractors and residents of Zeelugt and Tuschen on Saturday

Minister within the Public Works Ministry, Deodat Indar engaged contractors and residents on the plans for the project, which will span some 20km of road, to the tune of $2 billion.

“I want you to take this work very seriously. You are operating within an environment that has a lot of constraints. Some of you are contractors and you’re finding it hard to get sand… weather is a problem, and labour is a problem. You have a lot of problems in the industry,” he pointed out to contractors.

A resident took the opportunity to raise concerns about the road construction

The minister noted that this was due to the major investments taking place in the construction sector, but assured that the public works ministry would be putting mechanisms in place to reduce the shortage of contractors.

He said the roads needed to access schools, community centres and other places of necessity were identified as priority roads, and as such, they will be constructed in this phase.

Residents and contractors at the engagement with Minister Indar on Saturday morning

This is in addition to $1.5 billion in road works for the communities that started in 2022.

Minister Indar also urged contractors not to ‘drag their feet’ on the construction, and ensure that the roads are built according to the ministry’s standards.

Residents who were present took the opportunity to raise concerns and express gratitude for the government’s intervention, noting that the construction of the roads would benefit especially the students.