POWER to be rolled out by July month end
Georgetown GINA, June 28, 2016
The newly introduced People of Worth Entrepreneurial Resources Project (POWER) initiative that caters for both male and female, will be rolled out by June month end, according to Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence.
In a recent interview with the Government Information Agency (GINA), Minister Lawrence explained that the programme will cater for male and female single parents, widows and widowers, who are unable to access loans under the WOW programme to start income generating projects. The POWER programme is aimed at providing support in the form of funding to these groups of persons.

One of the beneficiaries of the Woman of Worth (WOW) Programme
“The Woman of Worth (WOW) focused on women. POWER will provide loans to both males and females and will also address various deficiencies of the WOW Programme,” Minister Lawrence noted.
Lawrence said that a few men have already indicated their interest in the programme and are awaiting for their loans to be processed to roll-out their individual projects.
POWER is also geared at assisting fathers to take the responsibility on that leadership role within the home.
This project will be directly funded by the Government, through the Ministry of Social Protection. Mechanisms will also be put in place to ensure that the project is effectively managed.

Another beneficiary of the Woman of Worth (WOW) Programme showcasing beverage on sale at her shop