President Ali affirms commitment to navigating border controversy through path of peace

President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali has affirmed Guyana’s commitment to navigating the border controversy with Venezuela through a path of peace, hope, and dignity.

Speaking at the day of public awareness and prayer at the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO) in Georgetown on Sunday, the head of state emphasised the nation’s dedication to a peaceful resolution.

President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali led the formation of the Map of Guyana

President Ali stated that Guyana stands on the right side of democracy, honour, diplomacy, and the rule of law.

“That is the only path of interest to us… But make no mistake, we will not be bullied or rolled over. We have nothing to fear because we are on the right side…those who choose to be on the wrong side, it is those that have to fear,” he affirmed.

President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali addressing the audience

Addressing potential actions by the Venezuelan government, President Ali warned that ignoring international laws would cause great injustice to the people of Venezuela.

“It will lead in a direction in which the prosperity of the people of Venezuela will continue to be affected. That path has consequences not only for Guyana, but for all of us in the region ─ the movement of migrants, the issue concerning the social circumstances, and security among many countries in the region. Ultimately, it is the people who suffer,” President Ali asserted.

He also highlighted Guyana’s responsibility in the midst of the controversy, noting that the nation has to lead by example during this time.

We don’t need to do what the Vice President of Venezuela and Maduro are doing. We don’t need to tell lies, spread propaganda, and create mischief… That is not leadership,” the Guyanese leader posited.

A section of those gathered at the event Sunday morning

To this end, he encouraged Guyanese not to succumb to the narrative aimed at instilling fear and terror.

Meanwhile, highlighting the importance of empathy, President Ali underscored the responsibility to recognise and address the injustice faced by the people of Venezuela.

He stressed the need for education, communication with the Guyanese people and partners, and a commitment to coexistence.

Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha; Minister of Public Service, Sonia Parag and Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy in attendance

Reflecting on the international support received, President Ali recognised it as a historic moment for Guyana and credited the support to collective efforts and resilience, while extending gratitude to all involved. Also in attendance were Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha; Minister of Public Service, Sonia Parag; Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat; Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Public Affairs, Kwame McCoy, and Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony.