President Granger, First Lady bid farewell to Magda Pollard

Georgetown, Guyana – (May 16, 2019) President David Granger and First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger, today, joined with relatives, friends and close associates to bid farewell to Magda Lois Muriel Pollard, AA, CCH.

The President and First Lady were joined by Minister of Public Health, Ms. Volda Lawrence and Minister of Public Telecommunications, Mrs. Catherine Hughes as well as former Prime Minister and Mayor of Georgetown, Mr. Hamilton Green and Chief Justice (acting) Mrs. Roxane George -Wiltshire.
Ms. Pollard was the Principal of the Carnegie School of Home Economics from 1957 to 1978 and Women’s Affairs Officer at the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat between 1980 and 1991.

To celebrate her work in women’s advocacy and empowerment, in 1992 she was bestowed with the Caribbean Festival of Arts (CARIFESTA) Award for Women. She has also received two national awards, the Cacique Crown of Honour and the Golden Arrow of Achievement. Ms. Pollard was also bestowed the honour of the fourth CARICOM Triennial Award for Women in 1993.

During her tenure at CARICOM, she strived for the creation of Women’s Bureaux in the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and spearheaded a three-year programme, ‘Management for Development: Effecting Change’ which also targeted senior women administrators.

She has to her credit also, two publications on Home Economics which she co-authored.