Press Release – Industry resident issued cease order
The Industry/Plaisance Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) today issued a cease order to a resident of Area ‘J’ Industry after numerous complaints of illegal construction made to the Ministry by residents there.
A team, led by Principal Regional Development Officer, Mr. Surendra Khayyam, who was accompanied by the NDC officials and the police served the cease order notice.
The intervention was necessary after construction continued despite the owners failing to apply for the requisite permission from the Council.
Honourable Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Nigel Dharamlall said he was grateful for the co-operation of all parties involved to bring some kind of relief to residents.
As of today, no building permit was received by the Council, which has since begun investigations into the matter.

![COSL6775[1] Builders waste piled up at the construction site](