Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Local Government Commission continues to pursue the clearest possible resolution of the several findings and recommendations that have emerged from the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the administration, operation and management of the financial affairs of the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Georgetown.

The COI has submitted its report with several recommendations, and the Commission has deliberated on and taken decisions to ensure that these recommendations are dealt with, whilst ensuring that established good industrial relations principles are adhered to during the conduct of this proceeding.

At the statutory meeting of the Commission on December 20th, 2018 it was decided that in keeping with the rules of natural justice, letters be sent to several officers outlining the findings of the COI against them, requesting that they respond in writing to these findings and attend meetings organized by the Commission to address these responses whilst being given an opportunity to be heard.

Several officers requested additional time to respond and this was granted.  Over the course of the next two weeks, the Commission will meet with these officers and deliberate on the responses before any action is taken.

While the Local Government Commission will proceed to implement the administrative measures that we have deliberated on and agreed to, separate measures will be referred for either criminal or financial investigation and action as may be warranted.