Region 10 residents give Gov’t A+ for service to the people
– tell Minister Todd they are ‘no longer invisible’
The PPP/C Government has been given an A+ grade by residents of the Upper Demerara- Berbice (Region 10) for its commitment and service to the people of Guyana, since taking office in August 2020.
Residents told Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Hugh Todd, that their lives are much improved under the new Administration.
Minister Todd spearheaded a hamper distribution exercise in Nottinghamshire, Siberia/Old England, Three Friends, Coomacka, Blueberry Hill, Block 22 and West Watooka, targeting vulnerable residents reeling from the social and economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic.
Residents gave kudos to the Government for the initiative, with many saying they are optimistic about the future under the PPP/C, as their quality of life is evolving.
Ms. Geena Ann Fredricks of Nottinghamshire, said life has been different for her community since the change in Government.

“I give the Government an A+ because, since they gone into office, we have become visible to the Government because they are looking at us in every way. They are coming, keeping meetings with us, bringing hampers for us and that is very good … and I thank the Government and President for that,” she said.
Blueberry Hill resident, Mr. Cedric Austin said it is time for all Guyanese to come together, to move the country forward.
“I would like to compliment the President for the vision he has put out to the people of Guyana. It is the first time I hear a vision like that where it calls upon everyone in Guyana, every aspect, every political party to come together to work for the benefit of the people of Guyana. I am hoping every Guyanese listen to what the President is saying and come forward and do their best,” he said.
Pensioner, Ms. Ann Ashby was elated at the gesture by the Government. She said it came at a very critical time for her.
“I am proud about what our President is doing for Guyana. Not only one community, the whole of Guyana, and I must say thank you to him and the Cabinet for everything.”
An emotional Ms. Jean John, who has been the breadwinner for her home since her husband lost his sight, said she is most grateful for the assistance from the Government.

Minister Todd said the Government considers each citizen its most valuable resource and will include all in its development drive. He noted the wide-ranging measures in the 2021 national budget, including the investments in the education, health and social sectors, which will meet the needs of all Guyanese.
“We want to meet the promises we made in the manifesto because if you look at the budget it is in line with the manifesto and, everything in there speaks to the promises we have made and this is because we have consulted with various stakeholders in the community and that is how we came up with that manifesto.
It is what got us elected and that is why we are fulfilling those promises in that manifesto,” he said.
Minister Todd said soon the Government would be able to use the revenues from the oil and gas sector to take care of everyone. In the meantime, he said the Government aims to meet the immediate needs of the most vulnerable across the country.
“So, part of my passing through, because I made this promise to Siberia that when we get elected, I will come back to thank you and apart from thanking you, I wanted to leave some hampers with you as well and this is what we are doing countrywide.”
The Government continues to reach out to citizens across the country, addressing their concerns and implementing steps to reduce unnecessary burdens hampering their lives.