Region 2 launches Community Health Workers programme
−First batch of 36 to be trained from the region
DPI, Guyana, Monday, February 17, 2020
Thirty-six young men and women in Pomeroon – Supenaam have embarked on a six-month Community Health Workers (CHW) programme.
This batch is the first to enrol in Region Two’s inaugural training programme for CHWs.
Programme Coordinator Monica Griffith told DPI that areas of focus that these students will be trained Communications and English Language, Mental Health, Health Systems, Environmental Health, Anatomy and Physiology, common illnesses and Pharmacology.
Following their training, the future CHWs will return to serve their communities.

The programme was established following talks between the Ministry of Public Health and the Regional Democratic Council on ways to tap into the region’s human resource potential whilst creating employment for the youths.
Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence charged the students to maximise this opportunity. “Our vision of enhancing community health care is vested in you whom we see as the prime purveyors of health information, beneficial health practices, agents of change, at the forefront of this community transformational wave.”
The Minister noted that each trainee was specially selected. “I am elated that you have taken up the mantle to pursue this training programme which will enable you to participate fully in your community’s growth and well-being,” she said.
Programme, Regional Health Officer (ag) Dr. Afarah Khan recommended that continuing education is on stream for every CHW so they can be kept abreast of developments in the health sector and any new illnesses that may emerge.
For Kenard George of Kabakaburi, the programme is an important step in preparing him to play a role in transforming the health sector in Guyana. “I will be able to help my community Kabakaburi to grow and to excel in the health arena… the next decade we will be the ones that will take this country forward.”
Romeza Wilson of Akawini committed to providing quality health care to her community. While classmate Stacy De Costa is appreciative of the opportunity to be able to be a positive role model for other youths.
Also, in attendance at the opening of the training programme were Ministerial Advisor, John Adams, Clinical coordinator and advisor to the Minister of Public Health, Caroline Hicks, Regional Executive Officer Denis Jaikarran and senior administrative and public health personnel from the region.