Region 3 Children’s Mash competitions continues on a high
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DPI, Guyana, Wednesday, January 23, 2019
There is nothing more satisfying than watching the young ones perform at their best. This sentiment was shared by many spectators today as they clamoured to watch may exciting acts presented as the Region 3 Department of Education continued its Mashramani observances.
Day two of the Essequibo Islands-West Demerara’s Children’s Mashramani competition, today saw Primary School students competing in the areas of dramatic poetry, group dance and calypso singing among others, at the Leonora Synthetic Track and Field Centre.

Coordinator, Regional Children’s Mashramani Competition and District Education Officer Caroline Daniels told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that the acts have been remarkable thus far, especially with the younger ones who were able to memorise and dramatize their pieces.
This she said, has also stimulated the department’s desire to assist the young calypsonians, they have seen in the competition.
“What we (DOE) plan to do is to continue to be with these children, you know they are at the Primary level, so when they move over to Secondary School, we hope to work with them so that they continue to participate in such activities,” Daniels explained.
She urged the involvement of parents for the third day of competition, as they will not only help with supervision but will also see what the region has to offer for 2019 Mashramani.
A teacher attached to La Parfaite Harmonie Primary, Miss Sonia told DPI that she is proud of her students as they delivered a convincing performance. “The dance highlights a child living in an abusive home who is attempting to leave this unhealthy situation. Towards the end of the piece we see her leaving this situation with the help of her friends who assure her that in time to come things will get better.”
Sandy Criss of La Grange Primary School said that the dance performed by the students is one which highlights the country’s 49th Mashramani anniversary. Criss is confident that her school will take back a prize for their efforts.
Day four of the competition will feature Secondary School students competing for prizes in the various categories of song, dance, drama and poetry among others. While on day five choir presentations will be showcased.
Neola Damon.
Images: Giovanni Gajie and Ganesh Mahipaul.