Rockstone residents welcome delivery of 160-watt solar panels

Eighty-seven households in Rockstone, Linden, received 160-watt solar panel systems from the government, as part of its strategic move towards bridging the gap in access to electricity across hinterland and riverine communities.

Residents welcomed the initiative noting the impact the sustainable energy solution would have especially as it relates to the education of children there.

Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill greeting resident of Rockstone, Region Ten

Earle Stoby expressed immense gratitude to the government for its proactive measures.

ā€œWe are proud of the government for coming through in delivering our solar panels. It will benefit our home. The light system will help children while studying at night,ā€ he told the Department of Public Information (DPI).

Simone Peterson, beneficiary of solar panel

Like Stoby, another resident, Rants Allicock believes that the systems will help advance education in the community, noting that now the children can work comfortably at home even at nights.

ā€œThe panels are big and we will have access to power. When the night comes, the children can still study,ā€ Allicock noted.

Charles Winter, beneficiary of solar panel

Charles Winter, 68, shared similar sentiments, noting, ā€œWe thank the government for fulfilling their promise, bringing light where darkness prevailed. Now, our children will have the opportunity to pursue education.ā€

ā€œI am so happy that the government is supporting us and this solar panel will benefit the school children studying at home at night. It will also help us to charge our devices,ā€ another resident, Simone Peterson told DPI.  

Silvan Williams, beneficiary of solar panel

Meanwhile, Silvan Williams said, ā€œI am very much thankful for this panel and the government. The panel will be of great assistance to myself and everybody else in the community.ā€

Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill who spearheaded the distribution exercise, underscored the importance of equitable access to resources, while highlighting the government’s dedication to bridging the gap between urban and rural areas.

Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill greeting resident of Rockstone, Region Ten

ā€œWe [government] want to ensure that no one, no citizen, no family, no village is left behind,ā€ Minister Edghill stressed. He also highlighted the governmentā€™s commitment to inclusivity while addressing the concerns of residents regarding the Guyana/Venezuela border controversy.