Science, technology and innovation key to sustainable development
– Min Bharrat
Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat, MP, says the use of science, technology and innovation will be key factors to Caribbean countries’ sustainable development.
The Minister was at the time delivering remarks at the opening ceremony of the Caribbean Academy of Sciences Guyana Chapter’s 22nd Biennial Conference.
Minister Bharrat said the use of science, technology and innovation has made it possible to increase the use of more renewable energy. This, he said, is linked to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 12 and 13, which cover responsible consumption and production, and reducing climate change respectively.
“With the use of technology, alternative sources of energy that are environmentally friendly are being created such as biomass, geothermal resources and hydro-power.

“The use of renewable energy not only saves the environment, but also helps us as a nation to achieve sustainable development and if every country and island in the Caribbean community uses more renewable energy, we will have a greener, cleaner and stronger Caribbean,” he said.
The Minister said Guyana has a far way to go as it relates to the use of renewable energy since it is expensive and not easily accessible by the average citizen. However, he said the Government is committed to sustainable development.
Minister Bharrat said farmers have benefitted from the use of science, innovation and technology with maximized production, saving time. He noted that while innovation and technology would also help Guyana to achieve SDGs six and fourteen, which relate to achieving clean water and sanitation and life below water, this would require sacrifices.
“We must acknowledge the challenges of achieving sustainable development in order to embrace the sacrifices we must make. Our world is dying and we must preserve the resources that we have before it’s too late.“Being a third world country, Guyana and many other Caribbean countries are heavily reliant on our human and environmental resources. Therefore, we must use them in a careful manner. As citizens we must all commit to the cause in order to achieve our desired results.”