Talk show hosts are equally responsible for what is said on their programme – AG Nandlall

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC, has emphasised the accountability of talk show hosts for the content aired on their programmes, particularly remarks that incite violence.

His statements follow the recent arrest of Working People’s Alliance (WPA) activist Kidackie Amsterdam after a caller on his show made threats against several government officials.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, SC

Nandlall stressed that providing a platform for such remarks makes hosts equally responsible for the consequences outlined in the law.

“You are responsible, equally with them for what they say, once you offer them that platform because, had it not been for your platform, they would have not been able to say what they’re saying” Minister Nandlall highlighted on Tuesday evening.

He then argued that ignorance of the law is not a defence and that hosts should exercise common sense in managing their content.

The attorney general condemned Amsterdam’s failure to address the caller’s incitement of violence, labelling it as racism and a failure to act against ethnic murder.

“If you entertain that caller; you are participating in criminal conduct…You have a duty to shut that call down, that is your responsibility in law,” he stressed.

The senior counsel also voiced criticisms against a prominent attorney-at-law for focusing solely on police terminology while ignoring calls for violence against government officials. He believes that this is an attempt to stoke ethnic tensions in the country in light of visiting congress members.

Based on video footage released by the Guyana Police Force (GPF), an unidentified male caller on Amsterdam’s talk show, called for the beheading of President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, Vice President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, Senior Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh and Minister Nandlall.