Treatment of other chronic diseases not overshadowed by COVID-19 fight

– Dr. Anthony

Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Frank Anthony, has said that even as Government is focused on curbing the spread of COVID-19, it has not neglected providing care for other chronic diseases.  

Minister Anthony said resources are available to manage the health sector effectively.

Minister of Health, Hon. Dr. Frank Anthony

“We do have resources for everything that the Ministry is doing. This Ministry received one of the largest budgets, about $52 billion, to do our work, despite the challenges of COVID.”  

Further, the Minister said, the Government has not compromised care in any area to offset provisions made to tackle COVID-19.

We’ve gotten more resources so that all these other critical areas can be adequately taken care of, our work in malaria continue, our work in chronic disease continue.” While there were some challenges at the start of the pandemic, with regards to the operations of health centres and clinics, these have been addressed and very soon these facilities should be reopened fully and services back to normal.