World Radio Day 2024 Message

Today marks eleven years since UNESCO proclaimed February 13 as World Radio Day to raise awareness about this fantastic medium of communication and to reinforce confidence among peoples of the world, that radio has been serving its purpose and remains indispensable in getting information across both urban and remote landscapes.
This year’s theme focuses on Radio and TRUST. Trust in radio journalism, to produce independent and high-quality content; trust and accessibility, to take care of the audience; and trust and viability of radio stations, to ensure that radio can survive through financial crises.
Radio has captured the imagination of Guyanese from as far back as 1951 when Radio Demerara was founded and 1958 when the British Guiana Broadcasting Service began broadcasting. Over the years, this medium people have come to rely on, has evolved into a competitive, dynamic, and trusted source of news, information, education, and entertainment, with reaches across the length and breadth of our country.
Today, as we celebrate this remarkable medium and the scores of broadcast journalists, announcers, Disk Jockeys and entertainers, engineers and operators, and the ancillary staff who keep our many radio engine rooms viable; let us also rekindle any lost trust in our favorite radio stations to keep us informed and entertained, as only radio can.
The Government of Guyana has worked tirelessly with stakeholders across the communication and broadcast sectors to provide more spectrum frequencies, develop a conducive and enabling environment for the medium in both its public service and commercial spheres, and facilitate world-class capacity building and networking opportunities for both, those who have built their careers, and those who have built business enterprises around it.
Our commitment to the viability of radio is unshakable and our TRUST in this medium, as one that will continue to play a pivotal role in underpinning the social fabric of our society, including our nation’s children, remains steadfast,
Radio still captivates the imagination.
Radio still keeps us well informed.
And radio has become a most dynamic source of daily entertainment for people of all ages and walks of life.
Let us reaffirm our trust in this precious medium and celebrate its gatekeepers and countless values.
Happy Radio Day Everyone!