Young Guyanese benefit from $1M cultural/creative industries grant

Over 20 young Guyanese on Friday benefitted from a cultural and creative grant valued  $1 million each, provided by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport.

Minister, Charles Ramson Jr. told the beneficiaries that the grant provides an opportunity for them to share their talents and passion through the creative industry, as it is a critical aspect of the country’s diversity. 

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr along with the recipients of Cultural and creative industries grants 2022

“This may seem as though it is a moment for you to share in the success of the country and the success of our creative industry. It’s also creating a form of a new pillar of our diversification, which is going to be an important component of us as a country, as a people, because that’s what culture is about, culture is about who we are and when people come to our country, we have to be able to tell that story,” he said.

Many of the beneficiaries lauded the government for the timely intervention, noting its significance as they venture into their interests.

Keisha Edwards, who is a fashion designer said such initiatives are very critical as they allow ordinary persons to develop their skills and passion.

“I think it’s very important to the development of Guyana, but also development of the small man, so that he could develop his or her business, so that it can then in turn help to assist others, it creates jobs, it creates specialisation especially in artistic fields,” she said.

Cristal Lam who is also in the fashion industry shared her views and noted how great the opportunity is for her.

“I think it’s a great initiative, I feel like the creative industry has been one that has been long neglected, so I think that it’s excellent that the ministry is putting emphasis on this. I think it’s a great opportunity for us creatives and I’m grateful for it,” she said.

Karime Lewis said the programme will allow creatives to promote to the world all that Guyana has to offer, culturally.

“The initiative, I think it’s an amazing opportunity for all creatives to come out, show and also expose what is going on with Guyana, expose our culture and the country in its entirety to the world,” he said.

Michael James noted that the grant will allow the cultural projects within his community to be a lot more fruitful.

“We are very grateful for the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport to support such an initiative and the young people in drama particularly in Linden we’re going to be successful in our endeavours,” he said.

Minister Ramson meanwhile said awardees will be a part of a cultural conference in the near future.

Beneficiaries of the grants were all selected through a rigorous application and shortlisting process.