UNICEF representative presents credentials to Minister Todd
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) country representative, today, presented his credential to the Honourable Hugh Todd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Mr. Nicolas Charles Alfred Pron will serve as the UNICEF country representative to Guyana and Suriname, with responsibility for CARICOM. Mr. Pron has been attached to UNICEF for the past 25 years in various capacities.

Minister Todd welcomed the new UNICEF representative and expressed his appreciation for the good cooperation between the Government and UNICEF in the Guyana. He underlined the importance of the work of the organisation and lauded the ongoing collaboration for the rights of children and women.
Mr. Pron expressed his eagerness to continue the work of UNICEF in Guyana, to ensure the rights of children are respected at every level. He also shared details of the supporting role that UNICEF plays to ensure COVID-19 awareness in Guyana.