Ambassador Talbot presents letter of credence to CARICOM
H.E. George Talbot, Guyana’s Ambassador to CARICOM, on Wednesday presented his letter of credence to Secretary-General Ambassador Irwin LaRocque during a virtual accre ditation ceremony.

Ambassador Talbot is a career diplomat who joined the Foreign Service in 1993. In his last post he served as Guyana’s Ambassador to the Federative Republic of Brazil.
This accreditation presents Ambassador Talbot with the responsibilit ies as a member of the CARICOM Committee of Ambassadors, as a Special Representative of his Head of Government. As a Member of the Committee Ambassador Talbot will assist in advancing the implementation of decisions of the organs of the Caribbean Community , at the national level.
TAGS CARICOMFederative Republic of BrazilGuyana’s Ambassador to CARICOMH.E. George Talbotletter of credenceSecretary-General Ambassador Irwin LaRocque