Canadian College pays courtesy call on Minister of Business
Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin today met with the Canadian High Commissioner Pierre Giroux and International Business Development Manager of the College of North Atlantic (CONA), Elizabeth Vincent.
Discussions were centred on how CONA can support Guyana’s technical and vocational education as it relates to the oil and gas sectors.
CONA is one of the largest post-secondary educational and skills training centres in Atlantic Canada, with a history dating back 50 years.

(From left to right) Minister of Business Dominic Gaskin (first from left), Canadian High Commissioner Pierre Giroux and International Business Development Manager of CONA, Elizabeth Vincent (First right)
CATEGORIES Press Releases
TAGS 2016CanadaCanadian CollegeCanadian High CommissionerCONADominic GaskinElizabeth VincentGINAMinister of BusinessPierre Giroux