Dr Jagdeo calls out double-standard of ‘human rights activists’

General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has accused various elements that purport to be human rights activists as being double-standard in their advocacy.

He made this damning accusation on Thursday during his party press conference at Freedom House, Robb Street.

General Secretary of the People Progressive Party, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo during his press conference on Thursday

The party GS was at the time shedding light on the recent displacement of squatters by the APNU+AFC run, Mocha/Arcadia, neighborhood democratic council. Dr Jagdeo called on the human rights activist to bring the issues of squatters to the forefront.

“The same APNU [NDC leaders] went in. [They] broke down the [homes] of squatters who were there long before on these lands that they, the NDC does not own… Not a word from the human rights activists, not a word from them about discrimination,” he lamented.

He contrasted these inactions to the instance where government had offered to move some squatters who had been in the pathway of the highway to be constructed. He reminded that not only were the squatters offered another house lot, but they were also compensated.

He reflected on the antagonism the government had received from the rights activists at the time.

“It was a big issue of discrimination. Globally, they raised it everywhere. They raised this [as] discrimination by the PPP government… although we said [that] the people [that] the people that we are removing, we made them an offer, a house lot elsewhere, and we are helping them to move and [others] got some money Most of them took it. A few of them who were politically connected, did not want to [move.] We were forced to move them but we maintained the offer to them,” the GS reminded.

In another instance of lack of action by the activists, Dr Jagdeo highlighted the recent targeting of a black-owned construction company who is currently completing the construction of a school at Bamia, Region Ten.

“They targeted this company because they are black and perceived to be close to the PPP… these are the same people who say we don’t give young, black companies an opportunity. These are the people who would run them down the most,” he stressed.

The PPP GS pointed out that, “The double standards are not only shocking, they’re nauseating.”