Economic opportunities being created for persons living with disabilities
Some 51 persons from Bartica, Moruca, and Linden are set to benefit from Garment Construction and Basic Computer Skills training which will see them empowered and trained through direct efforts of the government to ensure they can earn incomes.
Technical Officer Responsible for Support Services for Persons with Disabilities Unit, Mahendra Budhram said the ultimate objective is to ensure that persons living with disabilities can access the digital world, use tech devices, and have access to essential information.

“We know that the world is technology driven and we want to ensure that everyone is included, including persons living with disabilities so that they can have access to the internet, they can use the computer or tablet and they can be able to have access to information. So that way we are trying to remove that barrier so that they can be included in the government’s mandate, social inclusion, and the current persons living with disability act. So having them trained is the first step in accessing knowledge,” he told the Department of Public Information (DPI) on Friday.

Budhram further stated that the choice of garment construction training in Bartica and Moruca aims to enhance skills that individuals already possess while simultaneously creating economic opportunities for them.
Additionally, some 23 persons are set to benefit from video and audio editing training at the Learning Lab, Mahaica on October 16.
These advanced courses cater for persons interested in becoming entrepreneurs.
“So, it’s like progress, you learn to use the computer, develop your skills. Once completed the persons will do a social media marketing course,” he said.
He also added that the ministry trained some 153 persons living with disabilities since the launch of the Learning Lab in June, with the intent of training 200 persons by year-end.
The ministry plans to integrate business training into the programme to provide PWDs with the tools and knowledge to manage their finances and run their enterprises effectively.
Upon successful completion of the training, individuals interested in obtaining a loan to kickstart their businesses will receive assistance from the ministry through the Small Business Bureau’s Business Revolving Fund for Persons with Disabilities.
This will result in PWDs being able to access approximately $500,000 in capital to establish their small business. This support not only encourages economic independence but also instils a sense of self-sufficiency and empowerment among persons living with disabilities.