Essequibo does it again!
— Top CSEC student, Riana Toney hails from the Cinderella County
DPI, Guyana, Thursday, August 15, 2019
The top Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) student, Riana Toney is from Anna Regina Secondary School, making Essequibo proud once more. Only recently, the Ministry of Education announced that the 2019 top National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) student, Venisha Lall, is from CV Nunes Primary School, also from that county.
The Cinderella County has been proving time and time again that quality education and outstanding performance is not limited to Georgetown.

Toney, an aspiring Microbiologist, secured the top spot with 19 Grade One passes at this year’s CSEC examinations. She has accredited her success to her parents’ support and her teachers’ dedication.
The sixteen-year-old Anna Regina Secondary (Multilateral) School student said she was euphoric when she learnt of her results on Wednesday. “I am ecstatic that Region 2 is doing so well… and I’m very happy to make my region proud,” Toney explained.
Surrounded by her family, teachers and friends, she related that she wrote 19 subjects simply because she can, and she wanted to challenge herself academically.
Thanking her parents for their support, she added that her experience at the Anna Regina School was nothing short of amazing. “For the past five years, all my teachers were very supportive, and they encouraged me, especially my Headmaster, and all my other teachers for every one of my subjects.”
Despite writing a wide variety of subjects to broaden her options, Toney remains adamant that she wants to become a Microbiologist because of her love for the field.
Anna Regina Secondary School has long been a beacon of excellence in the region, consistently producing several top students at both the NGSA and CSEC level over the years.
Most notably, the likes of Yogeeta Persaud, Rahul Lall, Aliyah Rasheed, Zimeena Rasheed, and now Riana Toney, cemented on the walls of the Cinderella County’s history.
When asked about their secret formula, Deputy Headmistress Rajkumarie Lall spoke of the dedication of the teachers and staff and the genuine love for the students’ development. “It’s a partnership effort. As we all know, success is never achieved in isolation, so it’s a partnership first of all with the parents, the students, the teachers, the Department of Education and the region as a whole.
She described the students as well rounded and added that Essequibo is also proud to have the top NSGA student Venisha Lall attend ARMS in September.
“Our staff room is not a place where we go and lime. Once we are here, we expect to teach. We believe that the children are our priority and once we teach and we cover the syllabus, there is no reason they cannot do well if they are committed and dedicated,” the Deputy Headmistress said, adding that “that’s our secret – we teach.”
In existence since 1961, “A.R.M.S” as it is popularly called, enrols students from nearby catchment areas, the Pomeroon River, the Lakes and Islands in the region and is even home to students from as far as Bartica.
According to the Deputy Headmistress, having such a diverse mix is key to the school’s success.
Toney’s younger brother, Randhi Toney, is also one of Region 2’s top performers at the 2019 NGSA. He earned himself a place at St. Stanislaus College, however he is going to attend the Anna Regina Secondary School because his parents place high trust in the school.
This year, 11,467 students sat the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) in May/June with 67,500 subject entries while 880 students sat the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) through 10 Sixth Form schools and 5 private centres.