GNBS, GRDB host sensitization workshop on moisture meters and scales
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) in collaboration with the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) today Wednesday, February 10, 2021 held a sensitization workshop with rice millers in Region Six. The session focused on the verification and use of moisture meters and scales used at the mills.
The workshop was held in the boardroom of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), New Amsterdam. Those in attendance included representatives from Hakh Group, Nand Persaud and Company Limited and Kissoon Dyal Rice Milling, among others.
The aim of the workshop was to ensure accuracy and consistency of measurements across the industry, provide transparency and minimize loss due to the use of inaccurate measuring instruments.
In relation to the moisture meters, these are used in the rice industry to test the moisture content of paddy supplied to the mills by rice farmers; the results are used to determine the cost for the commodity.
The GNBS has found that more than 85% of the moisture meters for grains currently used by rice mills were manufactured for domestic, not commercial use; and cannot be adjusted. In addition, most of the meters currently verified lack the mechanism to print the results, which are issued to the farmers to avoid discrepancies.
The Bureau is looking to phase out all non-commercial moisture meters used in the rice industry by the second rice crop for 2021. Impromptu surveillance activities will be conducted across the rice growing Regions by GNBS Inspectors during the rice crop to monitor weighing and measuring processes and to encourage the phasing out of the domestic meters.
Inspectors have warned that moisture meters, which are found to be defective, unapproved, or inaccurate, will be seized and removed during those surveillance inspections.
Regarding weighbridge scales, the GNBS is looking to convert all Electromechanical Weigh-Bridge Scales to fully metric by the second crop for 2021. Millers were advised to ensure that their scales are positioned in a manner, which will allow for effective verification.
The GNBS also verifies platform, laboratory, and hopper scales at rice mills across the country as mandated by the Weights and Measures Act of 1981. More of these sensitization sessions, which are specifically organized by the GRDB, will be conducted in the other Rice growing Regions of Guyana in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, rice farmers can make their weights and measures related complaints to the GNBS via its WhatsApp: 692-4627.