Govt launches “contract with the people” 2020 manifesto
─ “agreeable, attainable and affordable”- President Granger
DPI, Guyana, Friday, February 14, 2020
The Coalition Government this morning officially launched its 2020 elections manifesto; a document described as a “contract with the people of Guyana” throughout the decade of development.
The manifesto launch comes exactly five years after the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance for Change (AFC) joined forces through the signing of the Cummingsburg Accord to form a successful coalition.
The 32-page document has been produced in a simple format, to reach every citizen of Guyana. It covers areas of governance, economics, the environment, energy, education, security, international relations and technology.
His Excellency President David Granger said the general strategy for the development of the country going forward is “agreeable, attainable and affordable.”
“This agreement is not a minority manifesto. It is an agreement which came out of the intellect and interest of the majority parties in this country,” the president said at the coalition’s campaign office today.

The compilation of the manifesto was a careful process, that included the contribution of all six members of the coalition. Having been in government for some time, the Head of State said the players have brought their “experience to bear “in the crafting of the contingency plan.
The President said the views of the more than 207,000 Guyanese who voted for the coalition in 2015 are set out in the policy. To this end, he related that the government will deliver on the promises laid out in the policy.
“We are not talking pie in the sky. We have made plans for the judicious and prudent use of our revenues to ensure that everything we promise will be funded. We will do what we promised to do.”
Addressing the coalition, the Head of State said the six-party unit remains an important factor, as it represents the entire country, capturing geographical areas, regions, religion, and ethnic groups.
“We have created a big benab and every Guyanese can be assured that there is a place for him or her in the coalition,” he beckoned.
Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan said the manifesto should not be seen as an election promise.
“It is sincere. We have had experience in government. we come to you the Guyanese people, with every sincerity, knowing we will deliver on our promise,” he noted.
It is important to note that with all the developments within sectors, the revenue stream coming will see the realization of the contingency plan.
“We promise you the Guyanese people that we will perform. What we have promised here, we will produce, we will deliver.”