GPL conducts maintenance works at Diamond, Craig

Today, over 1,500 households from a section of Diamond to Craig, along the East Bank Demerara benefitted from maintenance works undertaken by the Guyana Power and Light (GPL).

GPL’s Superintendent attached to Garden of Eden, Mr. Dwayne Lang told DPI that while this exercise was delayed due to the inclement weather, the maintenance team was able to complete about 65 per cent of the planned works.

Guyana Power and Light (GPL)’s Superintendent attached to Garden of Eden, Mr. Dwayne Lang

“We had to ask for some additional time to make some final touches and while we did not do everything that we planned, a significant amount was completed,” he said.

The company allotted a six-hour power outage within the area to complete the works with six teams, three from GPL and three that were contracted for the exercise. The teams were deployed within the Golden Grove substation to accomplish the task. This included the transferal of about 30 structures, replacement of defective switches, fuse coordination, and removal of old poles.

Mr. Lang apologised for the inconvenience, but explained that GPL plans to return to the area in the next two weeks, to complete the works.

“The consumers are feeling a lot of pressure right now but these outages are necessary to remedy this situation so we will give about a two weeks gap from now and we will replan to continue this exercise. It might not be six-hours outage, but less,” he explained.

GPL Network Operations Manager, Ms. Shawn Hamlet

GPL’s Network Operations Manager, Ms. Shawn Hamlet said the rains also delayed works in Craig, which varied from the removal of old poles, retention works and other activities. She said this would be addressed in the company’s next planned maintenance works in the areas.

“From next week to March month-end, we will reschedule outages to cover areas from Craig to Nandy Park, but we will do those maintenance activities in sections thus minimising the extent and the impact of the outages,” she said.

The company continues to conduct maintenance works across the country.

To date, the company has done work across sections of the East Coast Demerara, Region Four, and between Edinburgh and Parika in Region Three and others areas.