GTA’s focused approach reaping rewards
DPI, Guyana, Wednesday, January 22, 2020
A more focused approach by the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) is being credited for the accolades the local tourism sector has received over the last two years
This is according to Deputy-Director of GTA, Carla James-Chandra.
“We have been able to reach more people worldwide and building off of that we have now moved towards a narrow and focused approach. We are targeting travellers that are interested in what we have to offer. That is authentic cultural experiences and nature-based activities,” James underscored.

Deputy Director, Guyana Tourism Authority, Carla James-Chandra.
Guyana copped several awards last year including World’s #1 Best of Ecotourism and a Top 10 Sustainable Destination at ITB Berlin, the world’s leading travel and trade show (March 2019).
The local tourism sector also dubbed the Best in Sustainable Tourism at the LATA Achievement Awards (June), Best in Destination Stewardship at the CTO’s Sustainable Tourism Awards Programme (August) and copped silver for the ‘Best of Adventure’ from International Travel and Tourism Awards at the World Travel Market in London in November.
The Welcome Back to Nature Video also secured first place at the Golden City Gate Awards in March.
Meanwhile, Guyana was this month featured on the US television show NBC Today as on the top 20 places to visit in 2020 where it was lauded for its natural beauty with the Kaieteur Falls being one of the stand-out attractions.
James-Chandra said marketing companies played a significant role in Guyana’s tourism sector taking off. According to the Deputy-Director, it was something they had proposed for years but only received funding for it in 2018.
“Many of the success that we have had has been achieved because of the hard work we have been putting in over the years. We were able to get that information out because of the networks that they are connected to and the contacts they have. It is relationships like that in the international market that has helped to get the word out for Guyana,” she explained.
According to the GTA official, the tourism sector is a “relationship-based industry” and much more is achieved by leveraging connections as opposed to going it alone.
James-Chandra said any fears the public may have had about the investment the GTA was putting into marketing had been allayed when they look at the value received.