Housing applicants overjoyed after receiving lots almost decades later

– CH&PA brings relief to many citizens at second round of outreach

– several persons applied 10+ years ago

– D’Urban Park lights up with outreach by CH&PA  

DPI, Guyana, Thursday, March 28, 2019

Following the overwhelming response of citizens to the services of the Central Housing and Planning Authority at the massive government outreach on Wednesday, the agency was prompted to host a special event on Thursday to address unserved citizens.

The initial outreach turned out to be a massive meeting between Ministers of Government, their agencies and citizens. It was clear that almost 80 per cent of the persons who converged at the park were seeking assistance from CH&PA.

By the end of the exercise on Wednesday, officials at the CH&PA booth had seen over 600 persons.

Patricia Isaacs, a citizen who resides in the community of Plaisance, explained to DPI that she was at the outreach on Wednesday, however, she was advised to return today.

“I had to reapply. It is only now that I have gotten a substantial answer. I was advised to choose either the East or West Coast. I don’t know the coast right now, but I waited long, too long. I am happy that I turned up today and finally got this. I thank God,” said Isaacs who was visibly relieved after applying for her house lot since 2003.

Braving the morning sun and returning today to the CH&PA booth was Vanetta Andrews who indicated that said she had applied nine years ago.

“I was here yesterday. I am very thankful that there was a repeat because I would not have gotten through because there were so many persons here yesterday. I will be getting my land; they say when they are ready to share it out. We are thankful; we accept and try to do what we can do.”

DPI also spoke with another overjoyed citizen, Deon Graham who benefited from the CH&PA’s extended service. Graham relayed that she is currently living in the home of a family member and she is beyond grateful for the progress made today. “I have been waiting for so many years now and I finally get through. So, I thank God and the government that I got this land in Victoria. I’m living in my sister in law’s house and I am happy to be able to build my own.”

Lodge resident, John Peters who also visited the CH&PA site today at the D’Urban Park said he could not allow this opportunity to pass by. He shared that an application was filed for a piece of land sometime back, but he never followed it up.

Another heart-warming story came from James Nieuelder who explained: “I applied for land since 2009. I’ll say it is good because a lot of people need to build their houses. I have applied for this since my kids were small, it’s been so long that, now, one of my sons has applied for his own land. So, I think this is good.”

Sharing a similar story, Paul Waterman of Princess Street said he was asked to return today. “I was given a referral to come this morning and they were very helpful. I applied since 2009 and they say they will give me land in Vigilance.” The father of eight said the intervention of the CH&PA at this time will help him greatly. “You know I am paying rent right now and I got into an accident, so this will help me a lot.”

Young couple Crystal McDowell and Akeem King are happy that their dreams will come true. “They [CHPA reps] stated that there are lands available in Meten-Meer-Zorg and Vigilance, so we asked for Vigilance and we are awaiting a response.”

On-site today as well was Minister within the Ministry of Communities, with responsibility for Housing, Valerie Adams-Yearwood who said CH&PA has always been hosting such outreaches.

“We feel that this is a very good approach and it gives the Guyanese citizens particularly those of Region Four, an opportunity to hear more from us and to be able to react,” the minister said.

The government will continue along this path of reaching each citizen in every corner of Guyana, and this was emphasised by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon at the initial outreach held on Wednesday.

Alexis Rodney.

Images: Ameer Sattaur.