Manual launched on Energy Management and Conservation Practices
The Government’s plans to increase energy efficiency in the commercial, industrial, and residential sectors have been boosted today with the launch of a ‘Manual on Energy Management and Conservation Practices’ prepared by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) with support from Guyana Energy Agency (GEA).

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) is collaborating with the Government of Guyana to assist with research and technical guidance in the areas of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development as part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). TERI is providing technical support for rural electrification initiatives and the Solar PV Home Energy (SHE) Systems Project; technical assistance for solar PV power plants/systems and small hydropower projects and support to Government agencies during project design, procurement and project management; technical assistance to the sugar and rice sectors in the area of biofuels and facilitation of waste-to-energy projects; and root cause analysis of interruptions, maintenance plans and addressing energy losses within the transmission and distribution infrastructure of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL).

TERI is also carrying out capacity building and awareness activities, including energy conservation and management training programmes. The completion of the ‘Manual on Energy Management and Conservation Practices’ marks another accomplishment under the partnership with TERI. The manual aims to provide the information needed to develop energy efficiency in the commercial, industrial, and residential sectors and create awareness amongst the stakeholders to improve energy efficiency. The manual also aims to promote improvement in energy efficiency in these sectors, leading to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and Guyana’s dependence on fossil fuels.

The manual brings together recent information on energy management. It presents information in a manner where ordinary residents, commercial shop/restaurant owners and industry technicians can easily understand and practice or assess their facilities without the support of Engineers. Various examples are provided with many no-cost and low-cost methods for reducing energy consumption. The case studies section highlights the energy savings opportunities through technology interventions in Government procurement, which will serve to exemplify and drive other end users to follow similar techniques.

Dr Rao, Director of TERI’s Southern Regional Centre, met with Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d), the Honourable Mark Phillips to formally hand over the manual. Dr Rao affirmed TERI’s commitment to support Guyana’s energy plans and prioritised energy efficiency and conservation in various sectors of the Guyana economy, including strengthening the capacity of its citizens to undertake energy assessments of their homes and businesses, identify cost-saving measures and reduce their energy consumption. In particular, emphasis is also being placed on the active engagement of key stakeholders in Guyana’s energy transition in raising awareness as well as driving social change, innovation and environmental protection.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister expressed sincere gratitude for the technical assistance received from TERI and stated that the manual would allow everyone to join the Government’s efforts to promote energy efficiency and conservation. He said it recognised the vital role that every citizen plays in achieving climate stability and advancing the sustainable development agenda and energy transformation at large.
GEA’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Mahender Sharma added that GEA is thankful to TERI for their continued support and diligence in delivering high quality and expeditious support in the energy sector. Dr Sharma signalled his keen anticipation that the technical and academic institutions can benefit from the useful content presented in the Manual.
The manual can be downloaded from GEA’s website: