Message of His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, on the occasion of Phagwah 2021
I extend greetings to all Guyanese, but especially to our Hindu brothers and sisters, on this joyous occasion of Phagwah. This is one of the country’s most colorful and cheerful festivals. It is enjoyed by persons of all ethnic persuasions and marked by public outpourings of fun, joy and happiness.

This year’s observances, however, have had to be moderated on account of the coronavirus pandemic. However, the spiritual significance of this resplendent festival remains undiminished.
Phagwah reminds us that our lives are like the seasons – subject to fortune, uncertainty and vicissitudes – but that renewal and rebirth follows every unwelcome circumstance.
Phagwah is a celebration of rebirth. It commemorates the regeneration of the land. Also known as Holi, Phagwah, is a time to renew our relations with and to reconcile with friends and family. The festival provides an opportunity to recommit to the values of love, friendship, empathy and sharing.
As we celebrate Holi, let us continue to exercise the discipline and restraint which are imperative at this time to overcome the pandemic. The vaccination campaign which we have launched will help to protect our people and, eventually, allow us to exiting this pandemic. Of that we can be sure!
We can be confident that by next year we shall be able to return to the exuberant public celebrations traditionally associated with this most splendid and glorious festival. Happy Holi to all Guyanese!