Ministry of Agriculture grants 27 bursary awards
DPI, Guyana, Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Noel Holder today encouraged awardees of the Ministry of Agriculture’s bursary programme, to look towards the diverse fields of agriculture as they consider a career path.
“We live in a world with promise and potential, but let me remind you that it is your choices far more than your abilities that will determine where you go from here, you carry the power to make a difference, it is my sincerest hope that you continue to pursue lifelong learning to keep up with the competitive and ever-changing world.”

[In the photo, front row from left to right]: Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, Delma Nedd, Minister within the Ministry of Agriculture, with responsibility for Rural Affairs, Hon. Valerie Adams-Yearwood, Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Noel Holder, Deputy Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, Aretha Henry
“As I look at you, I can see the future of Guyana, the future of our Nation. Today I want to encourage both students and parents to ensure that your children remain in school. There is a famous quote by Dr. Martin Luther King that says Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”