MOE CSEC and CAPE 2020 Examination Message

Monday July 13,2020

The Ministry of Education extends best wishes to the candidates sitting the 2020 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate Examination (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). These are critical examinations since it determines your future course of action and for many of you, your career choices.

This is indeed unprecedented and challenging times, yet many teachers, parents, guardians, and students displayed resilience and adaptability to ensure maximum preparation and readiness for these examinations. The Ministry of Education applauds your ardent effort and takes this opportunity to wish all candidates the very best in these examinations. Please adhere to all COVID–19 guidelines for your safety, carefully read all instructions and questions before answering.

Stay focused, be confident and do the best you can. Once again, best wishes to all the candidates for the 2020 CAPE and CSEC examinations.