More access to roads, educational opportunities for Region Two

More access to drainage and irrigation works, road infrastructure, educational opportunities, and healthcare services are on the cards for various communities in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).

During the consideration of the budget estimates and expenditure during the Parliamentary Committee of Supply on Thursday, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag said that the government will continue to provide enhanced access to various services across the nation.

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag and other officials from the Ministry in the Committee of Supply during the consideration of the estimates on Thursday

Under the current expense, $348.7 million was approved for the provision of regional administration and finance, $563 million for agriculture, $193 million for public works, and $1.6 billion to enhance the delivery of healthcare services.

Additionally, $4.4 billion for current expenditure and $344 million in capital expenditure were approved to advance equitable access to quality education in the region. 

Some 471 trenches totalling 935 kilometres will be maintained to provide efficient drainage and irrigation (D&I) services in the communities.

These works will provide employment opportunities for over 330 persons in the region.

“…We are so happy to be able to put money into the pockets of people,” she added. 

There are three rollover projects for revetment works at Golden Fleece and Charity while Somerset Cross Canal will benefit from construction and revetment works.

Three new projects include the upgrading of the access dam at Devonshire Castle Phase II, the construction of a bridge at Devonshire Castle, and the construction of an irrigation check at the Aberdeen water course.

The upgrading of the access dam Devonshire Castle Phase II will benefit approximately 64 farmers with 1,400 acres of farmlands.

The construction of the bridge will improve access to the farmlands benefiting 150 farmers with 4,000 acres of farmlands.

Meanwhile, the construction of an irrigation check will assist with irrigation for about 750 acres of rice lands for 35 farmers.

Minister Parag also disaggregated the number of completed roads and bridges and the others slated to be completed.

Concrete bridges were constructed at Station Street in Anna Regina and Charity at the Amerindian Hostel, and wooden bridges at Reliance and Anna Regina.

The communities of Lima, Sparta, Windsor Castle, Richmond, Paradise and Suddie are slated to benefit from new bridges in 2024.

Six roads were completed in various areas such as Charity, Eastern Lima, and Danielstown.

Several areas will benefit from the upgrading of cross streets in several locations including Henrietta, Johannes Cecilia, and Manor.

The upgrade of the cross streets to be done in 2024 will benefit over 100 households in those communities.

For road infrastructure, 225 roads were built in the region in three years.

The road in Dartmouth will be completed under this programme.

For capital expenditure, $956.1 million was approved by the House.

For the provision of wharves, $36 million was approved for infrastructural development.

Construction of farmers’ wharves will be executed at Charity and Supenaam benefitting approximately 2,000 farmers and other persons and 1,500 farmers respectively.

In the education sector, Minister Parag said there are 26 boats in the region currently.

Minister Parag noted there are plans to add a cargo boat with a shed to enhance access to land and water transport in the region.

“This government is also committed to having quality healthcare. That is why we are going to have 12 new smart hospitals…One of these is going to be in Region Two. We recognise that every community in this country deserves quality education and healthcare,” Minister Parag said.

The minister highlighted that the healthcare facility which is being constructed at Coffee Grove, Lima will be equipped with all of the necessary equipment to provide quality service to the residents.