Tag: Fishing

Gov’t made significant progress in tackling illegal fishing – Min Bharrat

Gov’t made significant progress in tackling illegal fishing – Min Bharrat

- June 6, 2024

- urges greater emphasis on protecting marine spaces Minister of Natural Resources, Vickram Bharrat, has highlighted the government's commitment to ... Read More

Guyana’s overall real GDP grew by 59.5% in the first half of the year, with non-oil growth of 12.3%

Guyana’s overall real GDP grew by 59.5% in the first half of the year, with non-oil growth of 12.3%

- September 10, 2023

- according to the Mid-Year Report 2023 Georgetown, Ministry of Finance: Guyana continues to achieve strong, resilient, broad-based economic growth. ... Read More

Enhanced working conditions for Annandale fisherfolk

Enhanced working conditions for Annandale fisherfolk

- September 12, 2022

─ heightened security for community Government will be implementing a number of concrete measures at the koker in Annandale, along ... Read More

Gov’t accelerating roll out of Aquaculture Masterplan

Gov’t accelerating roll out of Aquaculture Masterplan

- March 23, 2021

- to create jobs, increase large-scale export - Minister Mustapha Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha says stakeholders in the ... Read More

“Growth in Guyana’s Agriculture sector expected”

“Growth in Guyana’s Agriculture sector expected”

- November 27, 2018

- $17BILLION allocated to sector – restructuring of GuySuCo and the recapitalisation of estates, among other measures to be used ... Read More

12th Annual Rockstone Fish Festival attracts hundreds

12th Annual Rockstone Fish Festival attracts hundreds

- October 30, 2017

DPI, Guyana, Monday, October 30, 2017 The 12th Annual Rockstone Fish Festival got off to an excellent start featuring fish ... Read More

Min. Holder joins other agri. Ministers in Norway to address overfishing

Min. Holder joins other agri. Ministers in Norway to address overfishing

- May 31, 2017

DPI/GINA, GUYANA, Wednesday, May 31, 2017 The effective implementation of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Port State Measures Agreement ... Read More