Three ATVs for HIV-AIDS, Malaria and TB Programmes
GEORGETOWN, Guyana, MOPH – Guyana’s fight to eradicate tuberculosis (TB), HIV/AIDS and malaria got the proverbial ‘shot in the arm’ Friday with a donation of three All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) from Global Fund.

From left, Dr Jeetendra Mohanlall, National TB Programme Manager; Mr Gavin Gounga, Deputy Region Executive Officer (DREO) Region Eight; Dr Vishal Ramjas, Region 1; PS, Mr. Trevor Thomas; Region Nine REO [ag] Kerwin Ward and Dr Maurice Edwards of the Health Sector Development Unit (HSDU).
Global Fund provides grants to brace several health sector initiatives here to counter TB, HIV/AIDS and malaria pandemics.
Officials in the three beneficiary Regions were cautioned to be “careful how we use these gifts for these programmes. Take care and monitor these equipment” PS Thomas said at Friday’s simple ceremony.
Thomas also echoed the concerns of PAHO/WHO Representative Dr. William Adu Krow, who earlier this month raised the issue of abuse of donor gifts to the sector by some MOPH employees.
“These gifts must be used for their intended purposes,” Thomas emphasized.