Transporting the future
─ David ‘G’ Buses serving its purpose
DPI, Guyana, Tuesday, September 10, 2019
To those privileged enough to be chauffeured to school, the David ‘G’ Buses may never have any bearing in their lives, but for the thousands of students and parents who utilise this service, there aren’t enough praises that can be sung for the service provided.

These are commendations that Bus Driver, Frederick Stuart never grows tired of hearing. “Some parents thank me for what we are doing, thank the region for what they are doing, because it has been a great help to them, financially, it assists them a lot.”
Fredrick has been operating the David ‘G’ Bus plying the route between Unity and La Bonne Intention (LBI) for two years now. His trip starts at 7:30am and by 8:30am he finishes up.
Accompanying Frederick on his journey, one thing is evident – the children – all are incredibly excited to board their bus. Unfortunately, there are only so many students that can be taken on each bus, something that Frederick would like to see addressed soon.
“Most days, the bus is full and sometimes I have to refuse the children, and it hurts me but, we can only do the best we can. We help our teachers as well. Sometimes, they might be stranded, and their students travelling in the bus would say ‘that’s my teacher I have her class now, she’s stranded’ and I would pick her up,” the bus driver explained.
Frederick believes that at the very least, two more buses are needed on the East Coast for them to be able to help all the students.
While this initiative is merely a part of the 5 ‘B’s initiative launched by His Excellency, President David Granger of the APNU+AFC government, it is just as impactful as any other aspect of the initiative. As these students line up and wait patiently to go to school and to be taken home, some do the same for the David ‘G’ Boats. Then, some students happily await breakfast, also provided through the initiative.
All of these factors coming into play, help to improve the performance of students all across the country.