Tuschen roads near completion

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB9f-L-LbD0″ width=”100%” height=”315″]

By Shaquille Bourne

DPI, Guyana, Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Ministry of Communities, through the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), has delivered on its promise to enhance the living conditions of thousands of citizens living in Tuschen Phase Two, Region 3. The community roads are now transformed from the previous deteriorated state to asphalted, easy to traverse surfaces.

One of the taxi drivers, Suraj Dhanbeer, who works in the Tuschen scheme, recounted his experience prior to the reconstruction of the roads. “Cars don’t really come in at the time. So, now how it [the roads] done, we dropping in passengers actually to spot.” Dhanbeer is elated that it now costs him less to maintain his vehicle.

Ceron Grant, a young man that plies his trade as a sailor in Bartica stated that “the road went real bad. All when rain fall, all them hole full up with water… ‘cause them hole wah went round deh here, school children and thing can’t go out deh.” Responding to the current state of the road networks, Grant remarked, “people feel real nice that the road done cause at least school children and thing could walk.”

Regional Information Officer for Region 3, Ganesh Mahipaul told the Department of Public Information (DPI), “it is a community that was basically neglected for a long period of time. So, we have recognised that they were neglected and we, therefore, directed some resources to the community to better their lives, in the form of providing them with easy access to taxi services and various other means of transportation, so that it would not be costly on them to traverse to the main road.”

CH&PA’s development plans for 2019 include the upgrade of asphalted roads, drainage improvement and the construction of sidewalks in many communities. For 2019, the National Assembly approved approximately $8B to boost the operations of the Ministry of Communities.

Images: Abike Barker