“Whatever your concerns, we will address them” – Min. Rodrigues
Mother of three, Deomattie Roy of Lot ‘M’ Zorg 40 Feet, Essequibo Coast, is one of the many residents who is happy to have had her concerns heard by Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues, MP.
On Saturday, the Minister met with residents at the Suddie Community Development Centre, for an open discussion about their community needs and challenges they may be facing. During this time, Ms. Roy related that where she lives at ‘M’ Zorg 40 Feet, the street needs an upgrade, especially widening.

“Minister, the street only has an entrance from the front, it very narrow and at the other end, where we used to go through, it now have bush on one side and the person living on the other half have plants on it. Plenty time is story [arguments] when cars want to pass or if someone park on the road, we really need this road fixed Minister, sometimes it’s cutlass fights,” Ms. Roy related.
Other residents raised similar road issues and housing matters, as well as the quality of water in the region.
Minister Rodrigues in response assured residents that Government through the respective ministries and agencies will address their concerns in the quickest possible time.
“Anything that I cannot respond to immediately, all of these issues will be recorded; we have a format. All the ministers will meet back like we did the first day, we were at Cabinet meeting until 2:00 am today, same will happen this evening, we will gather back as a Cabinet and all of the matters that were raised will be reported, and if there is something I cannot respond to or outside of my sector, we will record it and bring it to the attention of the subject Ministers.

“We do not believe in sitting at Cabinet or sitting in our offices to come up with solutions on our own, the only way we can solve problems and solve challenges is by consulting with the people. So, we believe in governing by consultation.
“Consultation with our people helps us to arrive at the solution to make your life easier,” Minister Rodrigues highlighted.
The minister said people must be able to identify their leaders and must be accessible to them. She noted that this is in the interest of transparency and accountability.
Minister Rodrigues is in Region Two as part of Government’s first Cabinet outreach in communities across Pomeroon- Supenaam.