Young people at the center of govt’s developmental plans.
−Trust the coalition for increased prosperity – Min. Sarabo-Halley.
DPI, Guyana, Friday January 24, 2020
The nation’s young people are central to the coalition government’s plans for the development of Guyana, said Minister of Public Service, the Hon. Tabitha Sarabo-Halley.
She was at the time addressing residents living along the East Coast on Friday evening.
“I stand here today as a proud young Guyanese woman happy to be sharing this platform with one of the greatest Presidents Guyana has ever seen.” Minister Sarabo-Halley said to a cheering crowd of thousands who packed the Golden Grove Community Centre Ground.

Minister of Public Service, the Hon. Tabitha Sarabo-Halley addressing the residents of Golden Grove
As she reaffirmed her unwavering support for His Excellency President David Granger and the coalition government, the Public Service Minister said she was also proud of the government which has demonstrated its commitment to the Guyanese people. A record she noted which has been tried and tested and found worthy of another term in office under the leadership of President Granger.
“I’m here to talk 2020 and beyond, here to speak to a better life for all, a green and clean Guyana a Guyana we will all be proud to call our home … it is the dawn of a new era for Guyana. Guyanese can expect increased prosperity with the revenues to be had from oil and the many additional resources we have here, but that requires good governance,” Min. Sarabo-Halley declared.
Adding that, the government has listened to the concerns of the people and has delivered the minister cited a recent development in the area.

Coalition Golden Grove, East Coast rally.
“We have extended the Ann’s Grove Secondary School. Your children now have a safe and secure play area with the construction of the tarmac at the Golden Grove Primary School … I was driving through Golden Grove on Wednesday and saw that there were installing lights on the road that leads to President’s College.”
“We are aiming to make our public service the best. We increased minimum wage making jobs more attractive – from $39,540 to $70,000.” Min. Sarabo-Halley added.
According to the minister in 2019 the government offered 240 scholarships locally and another 68 internationally.
The administration also opened the Bertram Collins College of the Public Service, which Minister Sarabo-Halley noted has given young people a gateway into the public sector.
As she concluded her presentation, the Minister reiterated that government delivered on expectations and initiated a $100 Million Revolving fund which has provided over 2,727 loans and grants to support young entrepreneurs and their business.
As well as provided one thousand five hundred (1,500) computers for one hundred and seventy-two (172) community ICT hubs throughout the country. A true demonstration of its commitment to developing the country with its young people at the centre of that growth.
“In 2018 this government started the Guyana National Youth Corps for young people ages 16-35. In 2016 this government launched the youth leadership program, again a program providing opportunities to youth. We plan on ensuring our youths are empowered: Giving youths a voice in policy formulation and program design,” the Minister noted.
It was highlighted that the government plans to institute programs that will see young people being educated on the importance of the national budget and the budgeting process. As well as the workstudy programme will be revamped towards ensuring quality outcomes.

Coalition Golden Grove, East Coast rally.