$100M in waterfront development for Linden
The government has allocated $100 million for waterfront development in Linden, Region Ten to enhance transportation networks, essential services, and aesthetics contributing to the overall economic growth of the mining town.
Eight contractors hailing from Linden signed contracts for the execution of these works at the Watooka Guest House on Friday.

First-time contractor, Chancey Caleb expressed her satisfaction with the government’s inclusive approach in encouraging female contractors to participate in what is considered a male-dominated field.
She also pointed out the benefits the initiative has on the lives of both contractors and residents.
“This is great for the people of Linden and it is also great because it enables persons who are self-employed in works that they are doing so they can have a better life,” Caleb told the Department of Public Information (DPI).
Another female contractor, Kady Sears pointed out that it is a great beautifying initiative for Lindeners and more importantly, tourists.

“It is a nice project all the way round to make Linden look good because, in my opinion, the river here in Linden is somewhat of an attraction to persons coming here,” she said.
Prime Minister Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips who oversaw the signing, urged contractors to put their best foot forward since they are delivering a public good for their region.
“This must be the best job that you would have done for yourself and for your community so be effective and efficient at the same time,” the Prime Minister expressed.
He also pointed out that the community-based initiative will not only enhance Linden but also create employment opportunities and ensure the economic benefits stay within the community.
Additionally, Minister of Public Works Bishop Juan Edghill revealed that only eight of the fifteen contractors were successful in the competitive bidding process.

Despite this, he assured that the remaining contractors would still be engaged to execute smaller projects contributing to the waterfront’s enhancement.
Coupled with the upcoming waterfront developments, the minister disclosed that access will be provided to the hospital from the riverside.
This is a result of a request made by the Toshaos of Malali and Muritaro following the recently concluded National Toshaos Conference.
“In a couple of days that contract will be awarded,” Minister Edghill announced.