200 part-time jobs for Mahdia youths
As part of the government’s drive to create employment opportunities across Guyana, 200 youths from the Mahdia township in Region Eight are set to be gainfully employed under the part-time jobs initiative.
The initiative was conceptualised by Vice President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo to provide economic relief to citizens.

The programme was launched in the coastal regions and has expanded to hinterland communities.
Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai during a recent interview on Radio Mahdia said, “I would want to make an appeal to the young people, to the unemployed, that this would be an opportunity that would be open to you. We have on the ground, been encouraging those unemployed residents to consider taking up the opportunity.”
Minister Sukhai disclosed that application forms can be uplifted at the Mahdia Community Service Officers’ office.
“When we have a full complement, I believe we will be having a launch of it,” the minister related.
Successful applicants will be attached to government agencies within the region and will work for 10 days per month with a salary of $40,000.
Apart from the part-time jobs initiative, 2,500 hinterland youths and residents are benefitting fromthe Youth Entrepreneurship and Apprenticeship Programme (YEAP) which was discontinued by the APNU+AFC administration.
Upon assumption to office in August, the government reinstated the programme providing an avenue for employment of residents and youths in the hinterland region.
It is in keeping with government’s manifesto of providing 50,000 jobs in the first five years in government.