40,000 residents to benefit from Eccles Well
The Eccles Well is a major infrastructure and system upgrade project being undertaken by the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) to significantly improve the level of service and supply of potable water to residents of Eccles to Providence.
The new well at Eccles will be connected to the Eccles treatment plant via a transmission line.
The well is part of the Government of Guyana’s massive investment to improve water infrastructure and system upgrades in response to the increasing demand for potable water due to the immense housing development on the East Bank corridor.

It is one of 12 wells being dug this year, and several other projects are being undertaken to deliver treated water to 90 per cent of the population by 2025.

The Eccles Project is expected to serve some 40,000 residents from Eccles to Providence, and when the well is fully operational, residents can expect a significant improvement to the level of service and quality of water.
The project is being funded by the Government of Guyana to the tune of US$105M. Top of Form