A second chance!
─ CSSP skills training benefitted over 800 youths
─ Beneficiaries calling on others to make the most of opportunity
DPI, Guyana, Tuesday, June 25, 2019
“It has given me the opportunity to learn what I missed in Secondary School,” young Ricquan Adams exclaimed.
Adams is one of 838 youths that have thus far benefitted from skills training under the Citizen Security Strengthening Programme (CSSP). The programme, which is funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) at the cost of US$15M, comprises three components.
The first component seeks to reduce crime and violence at the community among young people with 12,000 young people slated to receive technical and vocational training. Twenty communities in Regions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 are expected to benefit.

Graduates from the Sophia Training Centre along with IDB and Ministry of Public Security officials.
The competency-based training will lead to the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) Level One certification or its equivalent. Additionally, they are offered a monthly stipend coupled with continuous psychological and mentorship support.
Adams is calling on youths like himself to take advantage of the opportunity being provided. “The stipend helps me out by providing transportation fees to get me to classes; to get footwear, [and] clothes. I want the youths out there to follow my steps and do what I [am] doing. I want them to follow me and stop the hanging out on the corner and smoking.”
Kinana Baker is another beneficiary of the CSSP skills training and a graduate of the Carnegie School of Home Economics. Baker completed the first semester in Dressmaking and is currently pursuing her second year. She urged youths to grasp at the second chance being provided to become a productive citizen.
“I would just like them to come out and support and encourage the youths to take this step forward and realise that it is a good chance and a good opportunity and see what it has to offer,” the young lady urged.
Upon completion of the training, young people will benefit from job readiness and placement services. The aimed is to help them foster the appropriate skills to function in the work environment effectively.
Training institutions include New Amsterdam Technical Institute (NATI), Linden Technical Institute (LTI), Carnegie School of Home Economics, Sophia Special School, and Guyana Industrial Training Centre (GITC).
Image: Department of Public Information