AG Nandlall reject claims of PPP/C Government’s role in ‘Melly Mel’s’ arrest
– Opposition is protesting the US government’s immigration policy
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall SC, stated the government of Guyana was not responsible in any way for the arrest of social media personality Melissa Ann Atwell, who goes by the moniker ‘Melly Mel.’
Atwell was arrested in the United States by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The AG criticised the People’s National Congress/Reform (PNCR) and Alliance for Change (AFC) for organising a protest in support of Atwell. He said the Opposition is in fact protesting the United States’ immigration policy.
Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton and AFC Leader Nigel Hughes along with their supporters, staged a protest in Georgetown on Tuesday.
They accused the government of infringing on Atwell’s freedom of expression.
“They [Opposition] are marketing it and projecting it as though it is some freedom issue…how is this a freedom of expression issue? [Atwell] was allowed to express her opinions freely for years,” said the attorney general.
In his ‘Issues in the News’ programme that aired on Tuesday night, Minister Nandlall strongly denied allegations that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration was responsible for Atwell’s arrest.

ICE enforces U.S. federal laws governing border control, customs, trade, and immigration.
The Attorney General noted that Atwell has attacked the government, their families, and partners in the vilest of ways on several occasions without any consequences. In one instance, the AG filed legal proceedings against Atwell for libellous posts she made on her Facebook page, which he said were false and fabricated.
“The fact that this person…attacked our government for three or four years every single hour, inside out, without interference, is a testimony of our government’s demonstrable commitment to freedom of expression and freedom of speech,” he stressed.
Atwell is set to appear before a federal judge in June for a master hearing.