Brutus “diversity policy” lawsuit a PR stunt – GS Jagdeo

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo has dismissed the “diversity policy” lawsuit by embattled Assistant Commissioner of Police Calvin Brutus as a desperate publicity stunt to grab headlines.

He confirmed that the Attorney General’s Chambers and Ministry of Legal Affairs have not been served with a notice, despite news of the lawsuit being reported in the media almost a week ago.

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

In his GY$1.6 billion lawsuit against the state, Brutus accused the government of racial discrimination in the Guyana Police Force’s due to its “Diversity Policy”.

Brutus claimed that the government has infringed his fundamental right to equal protection under article 149D of the Constitution, and other related violations. 

He contended that the government “sidelined hundreds of Afro Guyanese who were better candidates for certain roles in preference to Indo-Guyanese officers in order to meet the diversity quota”.

“There is a claim that somewhere along the line, the PPP said we would like to see diversity in all of our institutions and across the country. And I support that because we’ve been open about it, we’ve spoken about having diversity that reflects the people of our country in every institution… and you’ve seen us working towards this, So I don’t see anything wrong with that,” Dr Jagdeo told reporters at his weekly Freedom House press conference.

Further, Brutus claimed that he was removed from the position of acting Deputy Police Commissioner for Administration to allow for the ascension of Assistant Commissioner Ravindradat Budhram, who is Indo-Guyanese, under the direction of Dr Jagdeo.

However, the GS poured cold water on these claims, asserting that no such directive was given, and asserted that Brutus’ removal may have been due to the corruption allegations levied against him, and not racial discrimination.

The general secretary reminded of the various financial irregularities during Brutus’ tenure as head of administration in the Force, including unfulfilled orders and payments.

Dr Jagdeo listed to the gathering of reporters some of these specific irregularities, including a $14.8 million payment for the supply of 3,150 metal buttons, 560 lanyards and 943 male peaked caps, none of which were delivered.

“There are lots of them he has to answer for. He will get the chance to do so in court, but this had nothing to do with race, absolutely nothing. In this environment, he’s trying to accuse the PPP of racial discrimination now,”

Dr Jagdeo further insisted, “Now, who did not benefit from these things that were paid for? It’s the policemen. They didn’t get their socks or their vests or their uniforms in time because of this…or [they] got low quality in some other cases. Who were you depriving? It’s not the PPP necessarily. It’s the policemen who are made up of people of every race.”

Dr Jagdeo also noted that the opposition has once again capitalised on this issue to peddle their tired racism narrative against the PPP/C government.

He said that the opposition is desperate to use race as a political tactic, even if it means overlooking Brutus’ alleged corruption.

“It is shameful that the AFC and APNU, having said that we are in bed with Brutus and that nothing will happen to him would now say that we are discriminating against him because of race,”

Reiterating his government’s strong stance against corruption, Dr Jagdeo underlined, “Even if you perceive yourself to be close to the PPP, regardless of your race, if you don’t do what you are paid to do, if you deprive the people of this country, as was done in this case, then you will bear responsibility for it. That’s the way we will manage this country.”

Brutus is currently on administrative leave pending a court hearing and decision for over 200 charges.